The Things You Say Course

Embrace the Power of Positive Self-Talk and Rise!
  • Understand where Negative Self-Talk Comes from and How to Switch it to Positive Self-Talk (Easy Action Plan Included)


  • Learn the Key Secrets to Mastering Positive Self-Talk


  • Discover how Positive Self-Talk Boosts You Up and Brings You More Freedom!


  • Embracing the Power of Positive Self-Talk is Life-Changing…See for Yourself!

What You'll Learn

Join Dr. Heather for a simple 3-module course that will support you in overcoming all negative self-talk and stepping into more positive self-talk with ease so that you can own your confidence, clarity, and bright way forward.

She will walk you through understanding where negative self-talk comes from, what it does to you, and how to flip the script to embracing more positive self-talk that will lead you to reclaiming joy right away!  The Course includes:

  • An Enhanced E-book to guide you
  • An Enhanced Workbook that have exercises for you to shift yourself.. Use this workbook over and over again as needed
  • Short Videos to bring greater clarity to the material
Order Your Positive Self-Talk Transformation Today!

About Your Trainer

Dr. Heather Tucker, Founder and CEO

Dr. Heather is the Founder and CEO of Another Level Living, Inc., a faith-based professional training and coaching company. She is a master life harmony coach, speaker and trainer. Dr. Heather’s mission is to guide entrepreneurs in achieving success in their biz/life harmony which creates optimal prosperity and abundance. She uses easy strategies to support her clients in stressing less, increasing energy, and strengthening relationships in order to achieve victory and success in all life areas. She also certifies life coaches and communication (mind) experts and has certified over 350 life coaches to date. Dr. Heather’s primary areas of expertise include business building, digital marketing, authentic leadership, relationships, emotional intelligence, and trauma / Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

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