The Focus Files!

Tips to Improve Focus for Increased Productivity and Success!
staying focused

With everything pulling for our attention,  it’s so easy to lose focus and get distracted.  If these distractions happen over and over, it becomes harder and harder to get motivated and stay productive

As an entrepreneur, losing focus is costly and prevents consistency, confidence, and congruence and this directly impacts our bottom line!

Know that you are not alone and it’s absolutely possible to change that for yourself and for your world.  Check out this class and find out how.  In this class, you’ll learn:

  • What not having focus does to you and your business
  • Greater clarity on what often goes wrong and how we lose focus
  • 14 strategies to turn it all around and regain your focus right away

About Your Trainer

Dr. Heather Tucker, Founder and CEO

Dr. Heather is the Founder and CEO of Another Level Living, Inc., a faith-based professional training and coaching company. She is a master life harmony coach, speaker and trainer. Dr. Heather’s mission is to guide entrepreneurs in achieving success in their biz/life harmony which creates optimal prosperity and abundance. She uses easy strategies to support her clients in stressing less, increasing energy, and strengthening relationships in order to achieve victory and success in all life areas. She also certifies life coaches and communication (mind) experts and has certified over 350 life coaches to date. Dr. Heather’s primary areas of expertise include business building, digital marketing, authentic leadership, relationships, emotional intelligence, and trauma / Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

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