The Biz/Life Harmony Workshop

For Entrepreneurs Who to Want to Increase Their Calm, Confidence, and Cash Flow (with Ease)!
November 21st & 22nd
12pm - 5pm EST (both days)
During this transformational journey with Dr. Heather,  you will experience how to:

Breakthrough Past & Current Challenges that are Creating Resistance to your Unconditional Receiving of more Money and Love


Align your Energy, Mind, and Heart so that you can Best Deepen your Communication and Connection with Yourself and Others with Ease


Structure Your Business and Life according to Your Soul Plan, which is Guaranteed to Bring Your Success and Prosperity Faster

I took Dr. Heather’s class in February and implemented in March.  By April, I was hitting 10k,  which is barely scratching the surface to the potential her systems provided.
Dr. Kelley Gurley, Career & Life Coach

Instead of Operating with the Heavy, Process it, Heal it, Make it Light and Reset to Receive Your Abundance! Then, Share Your Story from A Place of Empowerment and Be the Lighthouse Leader that you are so that you can Love, Live, and Excel In Your Calling.

Service-Based Entrepreneurship is about relationships and holding the space for others.  And the best way to hold space for others is to hold space for yourself and let God holds the space for you, especially when it seems like the world is stacked up against you.


Then You Can Operate in:

  • Less Thinking and More Trusting
  • More Calm Clarity,  Confidence, and Consistency
  • More Presence Power and Taking Inspired Action with Ease
  • Deeper Connections with Yourself and Your World

Restore Your Mind & Heart to Receive Your Prosperity

Coaching Power

Resolution & Reconnection to Better Communicate Your Message

Relationship Harmony

Deepen Your Connection to God, Self, and Others

Leap Forward with More Ease and Alignment

Better Believe in Yourself and Your Abilities to Succeed

Dr. Heather unexpectedly popped into my life and I have forever been changed. As a entrepreneur I was feeling overwhelmed, inadequate, and stuck. I couldn’t get past the limiting beliefs about my value and ability to run a successful business. I knew I was the only one holding myself back. After my breakthrough session with Dr. Heather, I am excited, motivated, ….and taking action! I feel transcended! Now, I see the opportunity, as an entrepreneur, to play and experiment as a way of living my purpose.
Jaymie Rietmann, Mindset and Empowerment Coach

While you can’t change what has happened, but you can shift your thoughts and emotions that are charged around the events. 

While Forgiveness of self and others is not easy and that’s exactly what we specialize in.

When you fully heal from what was, you become more the Present in What Is.

It is the mind and heart wounds of the past that can often limit your Presence Power, which is your ability be in the now moment with the clarity, confidence, and connection to what lies ahead.

Once you get your mind right, the actions you take, the success that you attract, and the joy you feel just flows.  It’s your beliefs that create your reality and success.

There are three tools, which you already have, that are the most powerful for you and that’s your energy, your mind, and your heart.  They both work together, you literally become unstoppable!


"Be Transformed by the Renewal of Your Mind" and Heart

You'll Walk Away With:

How to Attract Your Ideal Clients that are Happy to Pay You!

Knowing that You Are Worthy of Fully Stepping Into Your Calling with Certainty

How to Have Whole Mind and Heart to Fully Support Your Goals

The Key Secrets on How to Best Communicate with Yourself and Others

Identify the Unconscious Limiting Beliefs that May Be Holding You Back and How to Eradicate Them

Confidence and Congruence on Your Products, Services, and Pricing

Clarity and Understanding How Your Energy, Mind, and Heart Work and How to Align them for Optimal Performance

With Dr. Heather’s help, I shed the negative energy around value, money, and perfection. She has a natural intuitiveness where she listens deeper than your words. She uncovered areas I was unaware of; that once cleared, made all the difference. If you are considering a breakthrough session or working with Dr. Heather in any capacity – do it! Your investment will be rewarded with transformation and overall satisfaction. Thank you, Dr. Heather! I am eternally grateful.
Ania Volovique, Mindset Coach

Experience the Difference that Makes the Difference to Best Restore, Resolve, and Receive Your Victory

Only $97

(Value $497)

About Your Host

Dr. Heather Tucker is a Business and Life Harmony Trainer.  She uses unique approaches that empower you to improve your energy, mindset, emotional intelligence, and action plan to bring in more clients into your business, charge what you deserve, and create more freedom in your work, relationships, and all areas of life. Her Company, Another Level Living, Inc is a professional training company that produces deep, powerful transformations for entrepreneurs worldwide who want to overcome great challenges and stand fully in your power, unshakable, so that you can master communication and relationships in both business and life with ease and grace.

After working with Dr. Heather, students find themselves working smarter, more present and in the flow, and are able to leap forward in their destiny and get results.  Dr. Heather has certified over 400 Life coaches and 50 communication (mind) experts in her company.

She is the Project Manager and Lead Author of the International Best Seller Book Series called The Power of Coaching. She’s also the Host of An Online Sensation for Entrepreneurs called The Freedom Fridays Show.

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